Business Development Associate

Laugh Out Loud Ventures

#Data Analytics
Application Deadline 17 Aug'17, 10:50 AM IST
Impressions 1,368


We write humorous products for people; our Business Development Associates help us market these products, and are an integral part of the team. We will assign a Team Lead and conduct training so you can do great Marketing Demos to potential clients. You will do great Marketing Demos to these clients, and will earn a lot of money. 

If an employer asks you to pay any kind of fee, please notify us immediately. unstop does not charge any fee from the applicants and we do not allow other companies also to do so.

What are the important dates & deadlines?

  • 17 Aug'17, 10:50 AM IST Registration Deadline
  • 17 Aug'17, 10:50 AM IST Registration Deadline

About Laugh Out Loud Ventures

We write jokes for people in a wide variety of formats, and also market those jokes. Our humour-based product and service offerings are innovative, unique and, above all, fun! We work with many motivated young interns, and offer extensive learning opportunities.

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