Application Deadline 10 Aug'17, 12:00 AM IST
Impressions 1,825


The person hired for the job would be performing following roles :

Updating Existing Clients with Dashboard data

Preparing leads for potential clients

Studying the Dashboard

Learning the Technology being used

If an employer asks you to pay any kind of fee, please notify us immediately. unstop does not charge any fee from the applicants and we do not allow other companies also to do so.

What are the important dates & deadlines?

  • 10 Aug'17, 12:00 AM IST Registration Deadline
  • 10 Aug'17, 12:00 AM IST Registration Deadline
Voice your opinion by leaving a feedback & your rating
*This opportunity has been listed by Aaryahaan International Private Limited . Unstop is not liable for any content mentioned in this opportunity or the process followed by the organizers for this opportunity. However, please raise a complaint if you want unstop to look into the matter.
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